lumber pain and hemiplegic gaits
Every day I check his walking form.
Today, I see and he feels hemiplegic walk.
He says lumber aches.
In such a case, you should check his lumber at a prone position.
Insert thumbs deep into lumber from outside.
Reflex points come in one by one.
First one was left calf.
Next, right wrist, elbow and palm came in.
Then, left Achilles, right knee pot and at last left sole came in.
Three minutes after start, neck pain, left side, came in, I felt it.
Walking test after prone position treatment, he has still hemiplegic gates.
At a dorsal position, both thigh were done. Best reflex point was left sole.
His daily work is writing with a pencil for very long time.
Therefore, right arm, hand and left foot is basic relation in his tension system.
higher the better
When an arm is raised higher, ark-chest fascia is tensed up, therefore howling area get wider.
To take the violin playing position does the same effect.
Human body is a cage or a bag made of fascias to hold muscles and guts and etcetera in it.
If the bag is pulled the tension in it get higher and resounding comes easier and wider.
now and years ago 1
Years ago, I used to do with both hands, only.
Hand work is needed to check what is going on and to have precise experience.
Now, I use tools.
Many tools I tried to get better effects and easiness to do.
Howling hammer-file work is effective through cloths.
Click sounds of tools (punching each other) stimulate both muscles and skin.
now and years ago 2
Foot fingers (toes) and their nail sinking area were often used from years ago, and are used now of course.
Now, with tools, various kind of approach has become usable.
tools and me 10
tools and me 11
What is that black thing?
That is a paper clip as a harmonic enhancer.
When good howling is going on, the work through thick pants is most efficient.
now and years ago 3
To loosen neck and neck-head joint, clapping and twisting head work is very efficient.
First part is Feb 2008, second is Feb 2010.
Procedure and twisting work now is a little different from the first.
That reason for change has been done to loosen neck-head joint and upper spine.
Twist rapidly with practitioner's body energy
Next change I like to say is that every point I do comes in because my body senses their coming in. My sensitivity has developed very much.
the back shrinks when the front is done 1
At start test, nothing is bad except fat abdomen. But, he complains stiff shoulders.
In such a case, in his case, trouble is in fat abdomen and stiff feet and legs.
After checking one by one, most crucial points revealed to be heels and toes.
When the heel is done the depth of eye sockets were refreshed.
Later, “thigh and heel” was proved to be a basic relation of today.
He is right handed person.
In such a person, points to be done are left leg and right arm.
After the front was done, his left lumber and back ached.
That tells when the front is loosened the back shrinks.
In other case, when lower part is loosened upper part shrinks and begins to ache.
In principle, one ring’s loosening causes other ring’s shrinking.
While doing he told his story.
He had hernia (rupture) while young and a surgeon recommended an operation.
That was most hated thing and he refused it.
The story tells that the cause of rupture was in legs and feet.
the back shrinks when the front is done 2
At start test, nothing is bad except fat abdomen. But, he complains stiff shoulders.
This video is the second part of today. See previous video.
After the front was done, his left lumber and back ached.
That tells when the front is loosened the back shrinks.
In other case, when lower part is loosened upper part shrinks and begins to ache.
In principle, one ring’s loosening causes other ring’s shrinking.
While doing he told his story.
He had hernia (rupture) while young and a surgeon recommended an operation.
That was most hated thing and he refused it.
The story tells that the cause of rupture was in legs and feet.
along the river bank
Spring has come. It is very clear day, nice for a drive.
three years ago 1
Clap-push method was often used.
three years ago 2
Clap-push method was used for a young guy. He has very stiff skin.
Clap-push method was used for a young guy.
the thigh has thick muscles 1
Nothing bad, he says, except too much work and too little sleep.
Walking test tells nothing bad.
Ha had thick muscles while young. Now, only lower part has thick muscles.
It is a kind of thin muscles syndrome. It means that upper parts are pulled downward by thighs or lower half of the body.
That is the reason why I use the legs so often.
Right calf by outer nut (lateral malleolus),calf by wrist, back of hand were good..
Later another pain came in, it was done by a knee cap.
Walking test proved hemiplegic gates.
Then, left side must be done.
the thigh has thick muscles 2
Walking test tells nothing bad. Thighs and abdomen are to be done every day.
In previous video, I did on ankles calves and thighs.
Today, other than those I like to do on.
Fingers and toes are my chose. On that point, tripod-Vega is very good choice.
At first, right thumb and right thigh was done. The knuckles and back of hand proved better.
Soon his head began to loosen.
About one minute after start, right toes got warm, he said.
OK, that tells I should go to right foot.
He said “my head is loosening very much”.
Three minutes after start, thigh inside began to loosen. And right shin came in.
He said “I am in a heaven, most comfortable”.
Walk test proved he got really straight standing.
Then his abdomen was done.
Occasionally, I ask in subtitles “do you hear the sound?”
If you hear that, your ability is very good.
After that, throat, jaws and shoulders were done.
The reason I do them is when lower part is loosened, upper part get shrunk.
It means upper part get pain.
the thigh has thick muscles 3
Does her thigh have thick muscles?
She has thin muscles syndrome. But her thigh has relatively thick ones, in comparison to her upper body.
Hammer-file work is very good. Efficiency is seen by the howling sound and high frequency noise heard around my ears.
Vega-hammer on bare skin
She complains stomach tightness these days.
Where are causes?
They are on left ankle (she is left handed), both shoulders especially on deltoids.
Deltoids and caput of upper arms are difficult points to be loosened. And they have stiff and thick fascias (fascia deltoidea and fascia brachii).
Another cause difficult to loosen is abdomen itself.
why he leans to the right 1
His complaints are, stiffness on neck, heavy feeling of lumber and sensation of residual urine. At his age, thirty, they are unusual.
Some characteristics are on the figure. They are rotation of head/neck, rightward leaning and swelling on right back.
While talking with him, my left hip began to ache. Therefore work started from a prone position.
Left hip feels pain and feet show legs rotation.
Observation tells that inside of left leg and outside of right leg has much stress and shrinking.
Afterward, I saw his head is distorted very much.
why he leans to the right 2
His complaints are, stiffness on neck, heavy feeling of lumber and sensation of residual urine, as I said in previous video.
Second point is sensation of residual urine.
Problem is in shrunk pubic bone area and surround.
We tend to lean forward and rightward as a chiropractor. And, worst of all, use right thumb too often.
His right thumb is darker than left one, but not clearly seen in the picture.
In a long time, lower abdomen and pubic bone area got shrunk. What thing occurs in the core of pelvis?
Same thing occurs.
That is the reason why he feels the sensation of residual urine.
"no itchiness but nose is running
right thumb is more fat and dark
the new tool is very nice
His complaint is stiff shoulders.
His job is, often I say, writing with pencil etc.
Today, the new tool is much better than the tripod. I must say that the tripod’s battery is almost exhausted.
Anyway, pocket-vibe it is called, vibe-hammer on hand is very nice to loosen shoulders, back, lumber and sacrum.
file work on palm skin
The skin part between thumb and forefinger is very thick and connected with palm aponeurosis very firmly.
Our body has many types of distortions, of course.
The skin of this area has much distortion too. And they are connected with distortions of palm, its muscles and fascias. Therefore to shake the skin means to shake inner fascias.
Fascia is called palmar aponeurosis, I read on a anatomy book.
What method could be effective?
Hammer-file work with clapping noise and howling is a good one.
As soon as I did this, right shoulder got itchy. Therefore I did hammer-brush work.
Two hours after I did it, a few points got reddish and slight pain.
Another hour later, hipbone area ached.
the new tool is very nice 2
Pocket-vibe and the file create the click-click sound.
That sound enhances reflex. Precisely described, high frequency sound causes one reflex, files vibration causes another and sharp projections on the file cause the third reflex. These three factors create wide geologic and frequency dimensional loosening effect.
As every video, listen to the sound carefully.
walk and ride for full bloom
Thanks for giving us beautiful blooms.
tools and me 12
For a violinist, wrist and elbow are most delicate points and must be delicate points.
Curious thing is that abdomen creates sound while elbow is done.
please more upload
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vdo in youtube
with the guy in
"the back shrinks
when the front is done 1 "
he so lively and relax
when you r working
he s good model for your vdo ^^