


what is back pain

I saw a report on NPR page.


Unnecessary Back Surgery Is On The Rise : NPR

I found a curious description in it.

“Among people who just had the bony growths removed (a surgery called decompression), 2.3 percent had problems associated with their treatment, such as a heart attack, stroke or pneumonia.”

As I reported in a video on youtube, I coughed up blood last February. I think it came because of too rapid recovery from chest cage distortion.

Of course I saw a medical doctor. He pointed some inflammation in my lung and ordered me many examination and regular X-ray photo.

Later, inflammation decreased.

Now, back pain is the matter.

I think back pain comes from kinetic strain of the body, whole-body sleeve.

Lumber and back can be loosened using other parts, reflex phenomena between lumber and other points.

Detailed process is in many videos in vnpapa channel.



walk and ride for full bloom



walk and ride for full bloom



walk and ride for full bloom


Thanks for giving us beautiful blooms.


tools and me 12

tools and me 12


For a violinist, wrist and elbow are most delicate points and must be delicate points.

Curious thing is that abdomen creates sound while elbow is done.

from left hand to right wrist


from left hand to right wrist


This video shows the importance, magnitude to total sleeve, of hands skin.

In previous vide, no1278, file work on palm skin, palm was done and explained.

Now, back of hand and wrist, their skins are observed.

Start point was left hand, actually its swelled skin.

This swelling was caused by the distortion of my back or of my chest cage.

As shown in the figure, soon left elbow and right back moved.

It means that these points are constituent elements of chest distortion.

Six hours later, right wrist and forearm moved to be reddish.

Now, further elements of chest distortion are revealed.

They mean that violinists body distortion has such parts.

Next point is that slight swell on back of hand means very serious distortions over the body.

When temple and hands reflex
2010.04.03 (done 0331)

When temple and hands reflex


She complains sacrum pain.

Why does it come in, where does it come from?

A few points were examined. Temple, hands and fingers were good.


A few days ago, I did on her sacrum and pubic bone areas by Vega-hammering on back of head or upper end of the spine.

This method means to use C-one area and whole spine.

And, after a few days, sacrum and shin moved.

temple then shin was used
And today, the temple is the most used point.

2010.04.03 (done 0331)

temple then shin was used


This is part 2 of previous video.

Now, shin appears as a most important point.




how to on a ear shell
how to on a ear shell


You must do on ear shells once in a while.

Snip a little tightly till she feels a little pain.

Where?  Anywhere.

Hard point is good.

Front open shell tells something. I assume front side shrinkage.

Precise description will come soon.




G:\Users\owner\Pictures\2010-04-04\shinthumb1 - コピー.JPG








give trembling through hip bone 1


She has bladder cancer and rupture (herniated intervertebral disk, or HNP).

Light leg tends to lose sensibility and get tingling.

These tell fascia-shrinking-stiffening has much progressed.

I assumed that hip bones and head skin must be done.

Hip bone is a great turning point, I showed in latest video.

Today, I do punching on hip bone and give trembling to pelvis and spine altogether.

at first, through the heel

I'm pushing up her leg with my knee, you see?

note, trembling is poured into the foot

Abdomen pain was loosened by foot-trembling

"Aches as if pricked by a needle means “fascia-shrinking-stiffening has much progressed.


give trembling through hip bone 2


Now, abdomen is the target.

Vega on right hand is used.

Next target is pubic bone area.

Third target is back of head and spine, not in video.


shake the hip joint 1


Done Nov 17.

Point is after right hip joint was done, right arm and then side of head came up to be done.

Shake-hip was the reason why arm pot got painful and the reason point is reflexing point for the new comer.

To shake is to use surrounding muscles of a hip and a thigh and inside of the joint. 





shake the hip joint 2


In previous video, he said left side is lighter though I did on right side.

Curious? Think why it occurred.

Another problem came up. At a prone position, that proved to be right calf.

Done Nov 17.

Right arm and head were done.


pour trembling into the foot 1


He is tired, because of yesterdays tour, he says.

The foot is a great storage of stress because of its complicated structure.




do have a experience


Do these works on yourself and feel it, what is going on in your body.

First part is on the cap of thigh bone, a kind of caput effect, and howling with whole body.

Second part is give trembling through hip bone, and howling, different resounding when changed your pose.




escape from the tragedy 7


Now back and shells are done.

uploaded Dec, 03



do have a experience 2


Do these works on yourself and feel it, what is going on in your body.

Caput effect and etcetera is going on.

Cap of the calf bone was beaten.

research on plant light 1


research on plant light 1


Full spectrum light is inevitable for every creature, including human being.

From a book light; medicine of future, by Jacob Liberman.

Ms Lemon, lovely parakeet of my family, often feels itchy.

Her head skin is reddish lately.

I bought full spectrum, including ultra violet, light bulb.

It was for plants to raise them in rooms. Plants need ultra violet light.

Human being needs it, of course.

A young Japanese woman got her sight weaker two or three years after migrated from Adelaide, Australia, to London. She wears sunglass. It was natural in Adelaide.

Now, research starts with Lemon.

Five minutes after I switched on the plant light, she began to sing.

After a while she came on my shoulder to show her thanks to me, I assume.

Kyokkou denki kougyou KK:

escape from the tragedy 8



escape from the tragedy 8


Today, I tried caput effect on his thigh bone. Cap of thigh bone is only a image for practical use. To this cap come muscles of gluteal region. Point is about trochanter major and around.

It was great.

After todays work, excretion reflexion came up.

That tells inner fascia was loosened as well as hip area muscles and fascias.

The phenomena when punched by a big hammer include many things.

One thing described newly is the cap of thigh bone is so hard that it needs hammer punching to be loosened.

This phenomenon includes smashing fascias to bits or thinner threads.

Every caput of bones can be done like this, I assume.




escape from the tragedy 9

escape from the tragedy 9


Continued from tragedy 8.

Forearms are done.

Vega on fingers and howling hammer-brush was great.

After todays work, excretion reflexion came up.

That tells inner fascia was loosened as well as hip area muscles and fascias.

The phenomena when punched by a big hammer include many things.

give trembling through caps and joints of a leg

give trembling through caps and joints of a leg


Trembling has many effects. One is caput effect, I called lately.

In other videos, I said give trembling through such and such point.

Meaning as a whole is effects goes everywhere, feel them.

Pleas listen to sounds or noises created by the trembling.

Effect often appears immediately. It often appears next day.

That means, effects are going on continuously and go on for a long time.

To loosen the breast cage, we must use this long lasting effects by leg trembling.

The cage is a very complicated structure. We must try to send trembling to every hollow of the cage and rib.

One curious thing of this video is, when right leg is done, left arm gets lighter.


give trembling through caps and joints of a leg

give trembling through caps and joints of a leg 2


research on plant light 2
Now at a prone position.


research on plant light 2


Full spectrum light is inevitable for every creature, including human being.

20091206 was the first day.

One week after number one video, she recovered very much.


do have a experience 3

do have a experience 3


Do these works on yourself and feel it, what is going on in your body.

what will be will be

autonomic nervous system


自律運動 autonomic movement


what will be will be


Stimulation by a hammer caused body wide trembling, especially wider trembling of both arms.

In her case, that often occurs.

Trembling is an action, autonomic movement, to recover the body itself.

my leg tickles くすぐったい

動悸がする have palpitations, often palpitates

puffy はれぼったい

To enhance and let it continue longer is good idea, because every joint is gradually released from restraints.




how to remove palpitation


how to remove palpitation


She has gotten palpitations for a few weeks, and her blood pressure got up to 175 0r 189 mm HG, grade2 hypertension.

In my experience, when legs are tensed up, blood pressure goes up and neck and shoulders get hotter.

In her case, legs tickle when touched. That mean her ankles, feet and toes are very stiff.

What is palpitation? In an aspect, muscles around the heart are beating as a howling made from hearts beat and highly tensed legs.

Then, it can be loosened by relaxing her chest, using give trembling through caps and joints of a leg.

Next point is that her face is a little puffy, and eye sockets are darker than face.

Then, covering face by palms and hammering on ankles is good.

Two days after this, her blood pressure went down as low as 150, and palpitations became rarer. A little more treatment should be done, I assumed.







what will be will be 2

what will be will be 2


Stimulation by Vega and a hammer caused body wide trembling.

The points which enhance trembling are named cross points of information.

what will be will be 3

what will be will be 3


A slight touch on left hand enhanced trembling.

I assume that a cross point of information was touched.

how to remove palpitation 2

how to remove palpitation 2


She has gotten palpitations for a few weeks, and her blood pressure got up to 175 0r 189 mm HG, grade2 hypertension. It was 12 of Dec.

Yesterday, it got up to 170mmHG, Oh.

Next, today, chest must be done.

Anyway, things go down and up, and again.

No problem, it is on the way.

See, I am using only my hands, and actually my energy.

What to be called, the technique? Think it.

See conversations, carefully.

what will be will be 4


what will be will be 4


Stimulation by Vega and a hammer caused body wide trembling.

The points which enhance trembling are named cross points of information.

Thigh and back enhance method is tried. To use practitioners energy is the point to be effective.

what will be will be 5

what will be will be 5


It will be a busy day. Cars and etc go by me. And then, what will be?

Stimulation by Vega and a hammer caused body wide trembling.

The points which enhance trembling are named cross points of information.

How many points are there?

Answer is many and everywhere.

Especially, the wrist, its angle must be checked.

The form contains much information.

While doing on right hand, both side of her neck began to ache.

Therefore, cross point of groins has deep relation with the neck.

I assume C1 joint is the point.

Curious thing is that touch on cheeks enhanced trembling very much.

Think it through tension system around the head.

I tried to release many cross points on hand and fingers.

tools and me


tools and me


Many things.

heel and toes by tool


heel and toes by tool


Many times I said that nail sinking area is significant part in the tension system.

This point is very stiff and very hard to loosen or make soft.

Brush, hammer, pushing by finger and ultra sound stimulation was tried to be effective.

tools and me 2
Now, another tool is introduced.



tools and me 2


Fingers have many things, forehead, etcetera.

Point, listen to the howling sound.

tools and me 3


tools and me 3


Left hand, wrist and forearm are the problem.

Difficult thing is soft stimulation does not work to loosen them.

As shown in previous video, new tool with hemisphere projections is very nice.

Your question is, any harm, and etcetera.

See this video and try on yourself at first.

why she got dizzy 1
Very nice and must do it.


why she got dizzy 1


Lately, new tool was introduced.

Now, her problem can be beaten, I assume.

Next day, she got dizzy. That means foot fingers were loosened very much, and other parts of her body moved very much, and my assumption was very good.

why she got dizzy 2

why she got dizzy 2


Yesterday, she got dizzy. Today, still feels dizzy.

OK, I must check her toes. Yes, toes, sole and instep are painful.

While doing feet, legs, her left shoulder, left side of back of head, later, came in.

Todays dizziness was made by feet, left shoulder and back of head.

After left shoulder was done, right Achilles ached.

It can be said that internal rotation of right leg was made by left shoulder.


hip and surrounds 1

hip and surrounds 1


Most powerful parts they are, hip and surrounds.

Therefore, many approaches must be tried to do.

Such as giving ultra sound field, reflexion through head and spine, or upper thigh effects, many things can be done.

Hip, hand and chest side can be done in connection. Think it.



hip and surrounds 2

hip and surrounds 2


Most powerful parts they are, hip and surrounds.

In a position, only one a day, many things must be done.

hip and surrounds 3

hip and surrounds 3


Most powerful parts they are, hip and surrounds.

Next troubling points are in pubic bone and surrounds.

I always do it, but alas, she declined, I hesitate to show you the video.

Try it yourself , at first, or on your wife, etcetera.

hip and surrounds 4


hip and surrounds 4


Most powerful parts they are, hip and surrounds.

Next troubling points are in pubic bone and surrounds.

Lower side of pubic bone is difficult to touch. There, usually, I use first joints row, as shown in the figure. And, I shake the hand touching lower side of the pubic bone.

Face, chin , jaw or neck can be good reflxion point for pubic area.

To use sacrum-pelvis area as reflexion point, I usually do at a prone position.

Anyway, we must do and use every point of pelvis, sacrum hipbone and pubic none.

Farther inside area, I do occasionally, when needed.

I like to say that constipation or stooped shoulders has come from shrinkage of these areas.

tools and me 4


tools and me 4


Left calf and heel are the problem s.

Your question is, any harm, and etcetera.

See this video and try on yourself at first.

Mozart, is a difficult thing as you see here.



what will be will be 6

what will be will be 6


good morning.

And then, what will be?

Good holing position was, searched and found on left shoulder and forehead.











balls mesh massage 1
balls mesh massage 1


Problems are often on skins and under skin tissues.

That means two things.

First, muscle approach is often not effective.

Second, some parts which give tension without a bone, like calf and abdomen, often need to be loosened by this method.


01.03  2videos 3:40total

01.06  3video  5:00total

01.07 0042:40

       005,  2.00

After this work, excretion reflexion has come in.


filing toes and sole surface 1



filing toes and sole surface 1


Her feet are difficult thing to do everything.

Now, filing the surface must be done.

Point is that black part must be filed.


filing toes and sole surface 2


Her feet are difficult thing to do everything.

Yesterday, I did much thing on feet and ankle. That caused toe pain today.

Therefore, I do not on feet today.

Lower legs and lower arms are points for today.

After left arm, left arm pot, the cross point it was, ached.

After arm pot and right lumber, next ached point, were doe, she felt very loosened and light.

This means that foot, leg, arm through lumber approach was very successful.



tools and me 5


Left heel inside was connected with an eye socket and a thumbs root.

Try and feel and you will find something.

real cause was on the chest


real cause was on the chest


His complaint was stiff shoulder.

When he walked in my room, my breast bone ached.

Yes, OK, the breast bone area must be the cause.

Today, his shoulders were more stooped than previous days.

I wondered what has become of him.

Breast bone, it is.

Her toes have been cooled down

Her toes have been cooled down


First part of this video is of Jan. 7.

Second part is of Jan. 10, today.

January 8, surface of her sole was filed at bare foot.

Jan 9, toes were very feverish.

Jan 10, today, toes were cold.

That is a typical process of loosening of very hard parts.

This process and phenomenon tells that heel-file massage or hammering is very effective.

The surface of her sole is as if it is covered by very thin metal film.

To have an effect on such a substance, or material, we must use something high-tech tools. Really, high tech?





tools and me 6

tools and me 6


Shoulders and arm pots can be loosened by trembling Vega, an ultrasound tool.

tools and me on face
Try and feel and you will find something.


tools and me on face


I see some distortion on my face.

Today, I saw a physician to check my lung.

One year ago I coughed up blood and went to see a physician.

They did many medical checks to get no positive response.

My opinion is that the change of chest form caused some frictions and cracks in the lung.

The speed of change form was too rapid for surrounding tissue.

Today, right half of upper lip area got itchy. When I touched it, my right shin moved.

My right shin and instep have been much shrunk parts. Many things were done to cure them for many years.

Now, Right side of my face should be described in a sleeve theory.

My face right side is shorter than left side. My right eye is shortsighted.

My chest and spine distortion is like pictures showed here.

Such a distortion is a big problem for a violinist.

what to do on toes
Good violinist never gets such a distortion of course.


what to do on toes


Nail sinking areas on toes and fingers are such hard points as to demand penetrating stimulation.

AS you see here, ultrasound, vibration and hammering are very effective especially when used in combination.

Hear the sound carefully. It continues to change its tone.

do you hear the sound?


do you hear the sound?


Left toes are the points today, like every day.

Toes and upper thigh is feverish.

Yes, I must do here.

Think that basic points are hipbone area and surrounds.

In her room, positions are restricted to have.

In such a case, holing hammer is useful.

By howling I mean some noise added when the hammer is shifted with push down power.

shake shoulder joints
See carefully what I do and listen to the sound changing.


shake shoulder joints


At first, triceps looked very good point. However, most effective thing was to shake shoulder joints. I called joints. Grammar is always head ache.

But, I like to say shoulder joint is a very complicated part, and reflex comes from all over the shoulder.

As seen in stooped shoulder, front side of the shoulder and chest must be opened.

Stooped shoulders come from thighs and hips as well as from abdomen and arms.

how to remove palpitation 3


how to remove palpitation 3


She was gotten palpitations, and her blood pressure got up to 175 or 189 mm HG, grade2 hypertension. After remove-1, it went down to 150/systolic.

Next week, it got up to 170mmHG.

In remove-2, chest was done.

Now, one month after remove-1 and 2, palpitations are very rare, she says.

Blood pressure is very good for two weeks, though still taking an antihypertensive.

It is 130 or 120/systolic.

Todays complaints is, right knee, left arm and right lower back.

OK, in such case, real problem comes from right sole an ankle.

Heel-file with hammer is a very nice tool for such hard section of the body, like foot and ankle.

As you see here, the point of how to use it is to make trembling, or howling.

In such trembling, to do through clothing is efficient enough.

As you see here, standing tests proved hammer-heel-filing did very nice job.


escape from the tragedy 10

escape from the tragedy 10


Today, shampoo-brush-hammering was done.

difficulty in bowel movement 1



difficulty in bowel movement 1


This is in a procedure to escape from the tragedy of W.

First part is a video of Dec. 21, last month.

Second part is of Jan. 19.

He has some difficulty in bowel movement for a few years. Half a year ago, he began to take herbal medicine as a laxative. He hopes to lessen the quantity of that medicine as small as one third.

Why he has that difficulty?

I assume that his fascias are very much shrunk.

In addition to that, sleeve therapy has a tendency to loosen only easy touchable parts.

Farther more, anus and surround are difficult to touch and bottom muscles in the pelvis cannot be touched from outside.

As I said many times, when some part is loosened, some other parts go to shrink.

In his case, that some other parts may be pelvis and near section including inner parts.

As you see here, he got more slender last year.

He says he has appetite but stomach capacity is not small.

What does it mean?

I assume his abdomen is very much shrunk.

He is, now, fascia rich body. His fascias are very stiff, so stiff that usual hand pushing is not effective any more.

I like to say some theory things.

The difficulty in bowel movement comes from;

1: There comes only insufficient excretion reflex.

2: Shrunk anus and surround disturb that movement. Those are canal sphincter, sphincter ani externus and tendineum perionei (会陰腱) etc.

Now, I like to use ball-mesh-massage and hammer-b-m-deep-massage.

Target points are on pelvis and some other as you see here.

It was effective very much.

I do not recommend to beginners.

Do it on yourself at first.

difficulty in bowel movement 2




difficulty in bowel movement 2


Pubic bone was done twice. At first, without taking video.  I hesitated to take at first, but, it did great job. We need good relationship with clients to do on pubic bone.

He said at walking test after first doing, oh, I stand higher.

Therefore I did again to taka a video.

After pelvis and surround were done, chest felt pain.

Then, abdomen by sacrum was done.

tools and me 7


tools and me 7


The thumb, its nail sinking area can be done by a hammer-heel-file.

Mastoid muscle can be done, through a cloth.

Do on yourself at first.

The joint between collar bone and breast bone was loosened and, as a reflexion, right ankle moved to loosen.


insufficient excretion reflex 1

insufficient excretion reflex 1


Both wrists were done by hammer-h-f.

When right wrist was done, left thigh inside moved.

When left wrist was done, at the second step, pubic bone and upper part moved and excretion reflex occurred.

But, bowel movement was not finished in first try.

One hour later, at third try, that was completed.

When hammer-h-f is done with a skill, a howling comes in. Actually that is a mixture of howlings.

That howling is made between a bag around wrist and a bag around pubic bone. Each bags shape is not a fixed one. It changes in two dimensions. One is a change by direction of power and vibration cycle. Another is reduced tension as a result of loosening.

What is that direction of power?

In this video, ossis metacalpalis, mainly , their caputs or basis are touched.

Inner structure is being shaken.

Actually, the bag contains many layers or 3-d-nets.

basics once in a while

basics once in a while


At a glance, he has no problem.

On such a day, only fat point, abdomen, is to be done today.

Most basic technique is to do on hips and thighs.

In the lateral position you see here, lumber-hip-thigh line is tensed up.

To tense up is done for more effective reflxion work.

We are doing work with position reflex system of human sleeve.

insufficient excretion reflex 2


insufficient excretion reflex 2


In last case of me, insufficient excretion reflex came with wrists work.

Today, it came with chest prickling and red spots on left arm and breast bone area.

Red spots tell that deeper points beneath spots are moving to be loosened.

As I said before, my chest and spine are distorted. And, they are recovering towards symmetry. Therefore, tension between chest and red spots area are abnormal.

While walking, upper chest prickled, anus felt very slight pickling, and excretion reflex came in.

One hour later, when bowels moved out, my anus felt prickling lines.

Those lines tell the constituents of chest and arm distortion come as far as anus surface.

Like this case, when inner fascias or tissue move, excretion reflex tends to appear.

Today, muscles inside ribs and muscles outside moved at the same time, I suppose.







hip through sole


shake the shoulder joints 2
basic patterns with hammer, hand elbow


shake the shoulder joints 2


To shake the shell by a hand means to stretch serratus anterior and fossa subscapularis and rhomboideus etc.

Very effective it was.







tools and me 8


tools and me 8


February 4, we are now in the spring, according to the Japanese calendar.


puffing out pressure from inside

Todays point is that make howling along triceps.


thick fascias can be done thick fascias can be done


She has thin muscles syndrome.

As I said before, this syndrome is caused from imbalance between muscles and fascias.

When muscles are thin, fascias cannot get sufficient puffing out pressure from inside.

Therefore, they get shrunk and harden.

Thin muscles are caused by insufficient exercise in the growth period.

The temple through neck area is a fascia rich section. Hand finger area is another such point.

On such points, heel-file massage is very effective. But, be careful not to give too much pressure on them.

You should check files surface carefully, and ask your client if he or she feels pain.

spine strain can be done


spinal stenosis脊柱管狭窄症


spine strain can be done


Question is that spine distortion can be done for recovery.

Typical distortion easily observed is stooped shoulders.

If examined precisely, the chest cage has complicated distortion.

When ultrasound and hammer vibration are given into strained spine, distortion of many small tissues will be removed

In this video, to get more strained spine, chest or lumber is pushed up by a hand.

Where to pour vibration is searched by feeling and clients answer.

Why is this technique important?

In thin muscles syndrome, problem is mainly caused by fascias.

Spine is a most fascia rich section.

What is inside of the spine?

I assume there must be the same phenomenon inside area.

Another assumption is that spinal stenosis(脊柱管狭窄症)can be caused by similar muscles-fascias balance effect.

But, in this case, he or she will be very muscle rich type, I assume.

As I said in No1247 video, thin muscles syndrome is caused from imbalance between muscles and fascias.

When muscles are very fat and strong, fascias tend to get thick, I assume. Then, what will be inside the spine or inside abdomen?

Where does the excess internal stress occur?

She is right-handed.

Nevertheless, her left arm sways out while walking test.

And, her left fingers are thicker than right ones. That thickness was caused by thinner (than right side) finger and arm muscles.



tools and me 9

tools and me 9


February 8, Japanese are in spring only in calendar.

Violinists tend to twist their body.

My left chest is harder than right side.

See the picture. Her left collar bone is lower than right one.

Left collar bone must be loosened into freer position.

Beat by hammer-heelfile.

As you hear in this video, occasionally it makes a big noise.

Actually, it is not noise but signal of a howling.

My assumption goes as far as that that signal includes the beat on bone surface.

I assume that the periosteum (骨膜) on surface tends to become harder according to its surrounding tissue and it can be loosened in the same procedure as I do every time.

basics once in a while 2


basics once in a while 2


All the points I did were got through instructions of my body.

I mean I feel it as pain or itchiness or some very slight feeling.

basics once in a while 3


basics once in a while 3


Trapezius muscle is a most frequently used part to loosen the torso.

As you know well, it comes from upper spine and back of the skull and goes to both shoulders.

Pinch and pull it tightly to utilize whole the triangle area made by the apine, skull and a shoulder to get sufficient reflexion.

tools and me 10

tools and me 10


At first, look at my breast and shoulders.

At such a time I do on my knees and wrists.



Through anus temple reflex acted

Through anus temple reflex acted


These days are too busy, he is tired, he says.

Well? I felt slight chest buzz and temple buzz.

I checked which part on his chest is painful and did by his temple.

Do you remember and see now that his head is always bent backward?

The reason is he is always taking note by a pencil looking at and listening to his clients.

His forearms and backs of hands have similar trouble to his temple.

Therefore I do on his temple as many times as I can.

Today, the core of his body was moved by this technique.

At first, I felt my anus moving.

Then he agreed.

And, one moment later, he added that toes got hot.

Later, anus moved again and hips moved.

Temple part of human brain is the point that controls foot muscles, I heard.

Side brain controls hands, I read.

When the temple is done by a hammer-brush, vibration went to anus through spine of course.

Did brain activity give any effect to that procedure?

why I start from finger tips


why I start from finger tips


Today, my right wrist got reddish.

As you see in first picture, fascias and tendons got reddish.

It can be not tendon but surface skin. I think both.

Where are the next points and end points?

Finger tips are the end point.

And when done by ultrasound Vega, the reflex from finger tips go all over the body and total howling creates very slight quite high frequent sound around head skin.






escape from the tragedy 11



escape from the tragedy 11


Today, swing-Vega-hammering was done.

Most important point is both shins.

Very hard skin it is.

As you see in first picture, the shin is fuzzy. Fuzzy skin tells that the tension in it has become so high that it has become over-rich of fibers.

In such a state, low frequency vibration does not work.

When swing-Vega-hammer is done, various patterns of vibration go into the skin and fascia and muscles.

While doing right thigh and knee, I felt his forearm to come in.

On forearm, there are many pigmentation spots. Pigmentation comes into over tensed areas.

While forearm is done, right heel started to loosen.

file-hammer deep-in method and me

file-hammer deep-in method and me


Put your hand on the Vega and do it.

Lower biceps (near tendon) or wrist or inside of palm can be done when the file-hammer is pushed deep.

This method is done to loosen inner fascias, etcetera. If you change the posture, tension pattern in the target point changes and reflex pattern changes of course.

Many parts on the body are loosening while doing. Search carefully in your body feeling.

tools and fascia, fiber and tubes

tools and fascia, fiber and tubes


What should be done on inside of a leg?

What are there on surface and inside?

That part contains surface fascia, inner fascia, fiber reinforced fascia blood vessels and nerves.

A heel-hammer shakes them, ultrasound Vega shakes them at very high frequency.

As soon as I started, her back began to melt down together

Anyway, effective it is and no harm it does.

tense up leg and back
Do on yourself at first every new method.


tense up leg and back


This was done one week before No1257 video.

If she takes this position, her back and legs are tensed up.

As you see and hear in this video, tension change in leg and traveled vibration makes her back loosen.

Anus, shoulder shell, inside of pelvis and center of back comes in one by one.

groin and pubic bone is done by abdomen
This phenomenon can be used in a therapy for cervical sprain (頸椎捻挫), or some traction therapies.


groin and pubic bone is done by abdomen


This was done one week before No1257 video, upped Feb 24.

Head or chest was done by abdomen.

Abdomen is a difficult part to loosen because it has no bone inside.

File-hammer work is effective on such a soft area.

As you see here, groin and pubic bone is done by abdomen.

Do often this method.


lumber pain and hemiplegic gaits


Every day I check his walking form.

Today, I see and he feels hemiplegic walk.

He says lumber aches.

In such a case, you should check his lumber at a prone position.

Insert thumbs deep into lumber from outside. 

Reflex points come in one by one.

First one was left calf.

Next, right wrist, elbow and palm came in.

Then, left Achilles, right knee pot and at last left sole came in.

Three minutes after start, neck pain, left side, came in, I felt it.

Walking test after prone position treatment, he has still hemiplegic gates.

At a dorsal position, both thigh were done. Best reflex point was left sole.

His daily work is writing with a pencil for very long time.

Therefore, right arm, hand and left foot is basic relation in his tension system.